T8 Strip Light Fixture offers high-quality fluorescent lighting for reptiles. Featuring a compact and lightweight design, the T8 fixtures are ideal for use over screen-covered...
ReptiSun 10.0 Perfect for all desert and basking reptiles. 10% UVB Output, 30% UVA Output, FULL SPECTRUM The new ReptiSun Mini Compact Fluorescent lamps use...
ReptiSun 5.0 - Perfect for all tropical species of reptiles and amphibians. 5% UVB Output, 30% UVA Output, FULL SPECTRUM. The new ReptiSun Compact Fluorescent...
Turtle Tuffâ„¢, a heavy duty splash-proof" halogen lamp. For use with all types of aquatic turtles and other aquatic terrarium pets. They are long Lasting...
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